Examples of the use of

Example 3The use in the process of Real Estate Investment by institutional investors

The use in each process of the PLAN→Do→SEE→PLAN Cycle

SAA (Strategic Asset Allocation) Allocation funds to real estate

In the process of planning

  • What should the allocation to real estate be?
  • Drawing up the policy asset mix (basic portfolio) medium- to long-term asset allocation, Domestic bonds XX%, domestic stocks XX%, International bonds XX%, International stocks XX%
  • Measuring quantitative risks - in the use of Property Index(AJPI etc. …)
  • Allocating tolerable quantitative risks to each asset.
Selection of investment targets and investment managers Measuring of portfolio risk

In the Process of Investment Execution

  • Under the allocation constraint mentioned above, what investment targets and investment targets should be selected
  • Which is the degree of diversification and risk in overall investment portfolio?
  • Measuring quantitative risk in the use of Real Estate Fund Index(AJFI etc. )
Verification of investment performance Attribution analysis

In the Process of Investment review

  • Investment management and verification of performance after investment
  • Attribution analysis of the market - in the use of Property Index(AJPI etc. )
  • Attribution analysis of each fund’s performance - in the use of Real Estate Fund Index(AJFI ,etc. )

The use of real estate investment in the process of investment management by pension funds

The needs for real estate investment indices in the process of investment by pension funds